3 clinics with Sheldon Dingwall

I’m excited about three workshops set in fantastic venues as a guest on a tour with Sheldon Dingwall, the bass visionary and owner of the world-renowned bass brand DINGWALL GUITARS from Canada. As a longtime endorser, I regularly create videos for them. Sheldon Dingwall also contributed the striking green Matrix bass to the book cover. We’ll be hosted by MUSIKPRODUKTIV, THOMANN, and SESSION/FRANKFURT. Expect great basses and fascinating insights into the topic of Fanned-Frets, as well as Sheldon Dingwall’s company. Following that, there’ll be plenty of Bass & Electronics: featuring my own tracks and some demos from the BassMatrix book. I’ll be playing my Super J-4 bass and showcasing the two brand-new models: the SP1, Dingwall’s version of the Fender-JP, and the JT, a bass with an original Neve preamp. Truly exciting and exquisite basses!
